Joys of packing for a Trip
Packing & unpacking for a trip is never fun but you’ve got to do it.
Because of business & pleasure, I travel a lot. I’m always looking for the perfect way to pack and make my bag weightless but still feel like I bring everything I need.
I’ve tried the whole, “ let’s only pack a few pairs of shoes.” That doesn’t work because a women needs choices right?
So I wanted to give some packing advice as we all have lots of summer travel ahead!
- Pack each day in a large zip lock bag with the day labeled on it. This makes it easy! There is no deciding or wondering what to wear, you already made the decision. Even pack your jewelry in a smaller plastic bag inside the zip lock bag. This makes it lighter for travel because it’s condensed and you only bring the bags for the exact amount of days. I might bring 2-3 extra outfits that aren’t planned, just in case.
- Try to pack in a similar color scheme & things you can interchange. This way you don’t have to take as many shoes because you are only taking clothes in those color tones.
- As things get dirty on the trip have one bag where all the dirty clothes are put, especially heading home.
- Pack an extra pair of clothes, shoes, underwear, & small travel toiletries in a carry on just in case your bag gets lost. That’s the worst!
- When traveling with kids take a fold-able laundry bag. You know, the square see through fold-able ones you see at the Container store or Target. That way everything in the hotel room for kids goes there instead of smelling up their bags & making a mess of the room.
- When leaving for a long trip without kids, leave a gift per day. This is something I’ve always done since my kids were little. I buy a certain amount of bags per child for how long we are gone. I label the day and they open one per day. It’s not expensive stuff it could be from the Dollar Tree or Target. For example I might do their favorite candy, an experience like going to the movies or to breakfast with Grandma, a bath bomb, toy, etc.
It kind of takes leaving not as sad for them & they can see how many days we are gone.
Those are a few tips! I hope that helps you ladies out there. Have an amazing summer on your travels!
Bon Voyage ✈
Dacia Wiegandt