More than Pumpkin Spice
The magic of the fall season is not hidden in the pumpkin spice latte (although some might disagree…) Fall has always been my favorite time of year because of the nostalgia of my childhood, the memories of family and fellowship, and the beginning of the holiday season.
Each year I look forward to decorating our home with harvest decor, visiting the pumpkin patch with my family, and burning my oh-so favorite Spiced Pumkin Yankee Candle. For some people fall means breaking out the sweaters and the boots…but here in Miami we just finally catch a break from the 100 degree heat…I\’m thankful for the change in seasons, the change (ever so slightly) in weather, and the feelings of new beginnings.
Just like we have seasons of weather, I\’ve recently reflected on the seasons entrepreneurs go through in business. There are seasons of planting seeds, sowing, harvest, and drought. Seasons of hard work, long days, failures, challenges, roadblocks, distractions, discouragement and disappointment. Along with the storms, we also have seasons of REST (so important!), and finally, most everyone\’s favorite…seasons of victory and fruitfulness.
I haven\’t figured it all out yet, but I do know this for sure:
If you give up in the middle of a season you will never see the fruits of your labor.
Business changes. Life changes. Goals change. People change.
As we approach the fall season I want to challenge you to fall in love with the season you are in, and remember God has placed you there for a reason.
We learn from each failure AND each victory.
If God is in the process of pruning you then take comfort in knowing this pruning will result in MORE fruit. The process isn\’t always comfortable, but the result is always worth it.